Nine months. That’s hard to grasp. Where does the time go? Can you believe that it’s been 9 months since we moved to Haiti? Nine months of waking up to the joyful sounds of kids waiting to be taken to school (and the occasional rooster). Nine months of learning about each of the nearly 75 kids on our campus and in community care, forming a relationship with each one of them and helping to determine their areas of strength. Nine months of getting to know each of our Haitian staff who each have a critical role in the daily operations, overseeing and caring for the kids. Nine months of learning the culture, the language, the roads, the “rules” of driving and finding places to get away for brief breaks. Nine months of no weekends, 12-14 hour days, extra work on holidays and basically living at work. Nine months of having to think whether a light switch will work. Nine months of fun interactions, occasional breakthroughs, insightful conversations and teaching opportunities.

Nine months of daily life with kids who have been through trauma and need special attention.
Brainstorming and working towards the legacy we want to leave here is also a frequent conversation. Nine months of helping each of our kids grow in their faith and also moving towards being self-sufficient in their lives when they transition out of our care. And can you imagine 9 months of never feeling cold enough to need pants or long sleeves?
Don’t forget the nine months of learning about generators, inverters, solar power, battery charging and maintenance, water pumps and electrical systems, human resource management, payroll and tax systems, school policies and practices, and so much more! It’s been a journey of introspection as well. While we feel that God has equipped us for the adventures here, we still have many growth opportunities along the way. Different people with unique gifts have come alongside us with insight and advice about how to make further improvements with kids and on our campus.

We’ve also been blessed to have some friends and family visit to encourage and support us.
We’re so grateful for ongoing opportunities to learn and grow. We’ve come a long ways in 9 months. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as God continues to grow and stretch us, and as we push ahead into the spring and summer months!