One Year in Haiti

It’s hard to believe that we moved to Haiti a year ago!  That year has flown by.  As we look ahead into our 2nd year, we took some time to review the last year and provide this video update.

Thanks to our many amazing supporters that help make this possible.  We would love to have you join our team of financial and prayer partners!  You can support our work financially by making a donation to the Hands and Feet Project in our name.  You can also sponsor one or more of the kids that are in our care.

Feel free to Like and Share this video to help spread the word about the work that we’re doing.

Open House Opportunity and Rochester NY Visit

After a very tiring and long journey back to the states, we arrived in Rochester, New York and got into bed about 4:00am-ish on Tuesday morning. We had both been up for just over 24 hours.  Neither of us had not done that in many years!  We will be in Rochester through July 2nd, and are staying at Randy’s Mom and Dad’s house in Webster.  They are wonderful hosts to us.

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