Haiti Happenings & Visiting New York

Haiti in the News

You have probably seen Haiti in the news more than usual recently. The news is causing quite a stir as more people see the conditions around the Port au Prince capital region. We have heard many reports about people being evacuated from the country by various methods. This is giving us more opportunities to share about the work that we continue to do in Haiti with the Hands and Feet Project.

The current news you see and hear about Haiti is still primarily concentrating on the activities around the capital region, in and around Port au Prince. Outside that region it is still relatively peaceful, although it’s sometimes difficult to find fuel and supplies. In March 2024, inflation increased to an annual rate of 23%. Some sources report it as high as 34%. As a comparison, the US annual inflation rate is currently only 3.5%. Despite the ongoing challenges, we continue to find all the resources needed for the children in our care, and for the families we help in the community. Please continue to pray that peace will be restored across the country.

Road Trip to New York

It’s time for a trip to Rochester, New York again to see friends, family and our faithful supporters. On our way north over the weekend, we saw 92 degrees in Georgia. But it was cold and rainy for our layover in North Carolina, and it’s about the same in New York. We’re just hoping we don’t see snow!

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