What are Village Values?
Love, Obedience, Honesty and Responsibility. These are the values we strive for here at The Hands and Feet Project. Our Village Values. We talk about them, teach them, strive for the best of them in everything we do. From our littlest of kids to the caregivers, wash ladies, cooks, maintenance and our office staff.

Be Loving: Help and Serve Others. Share and Give to Others, Speak Kindly To and About Others and Love God with All Your Heart, Soul, and Mind and show that love to all we come into contact with everyday.
Be Obedient: Listen and Speak with Respect to your Elders, Follow the Rules: All the Time, Wherever You Are, Be Obedient to God’s Commandments.
Be Honest: Speak the Truth Always, Play, Work, and Study with Integrity, Speak Up, Talk to an Adult if you are Having a Problem, Be Truthful with God.
Be Responsible: Be Reliable and Dependable, Take Pride in Your Home, Village, Church, School and Community, Be a Leader; Set an Example, Be a Protector; Look After Younger Children, Build Relationship with Christ through Studying His Word.

Every year we take a weekend and have a celebration around these values. We honor our children and staff that have exemplified our Village Values. It’s a great reason to have a great, big, party. Lots of food, music, soccer, and play!
Boy do we play! All of the kids, their caregivers and staff. Who would have thought that you can get a bouncy house in Haiti?

Both adults and kids loved it. We watched our kids perform dances, had a movie night, and danced the night away to a band led by our very own staff. Of course we had to have pizza! A lot of pizza. And ice cream! We have some pretty good cooks!
We also had two guest artists that came in from the states to help us celebrate. Roslyn Welch, a beautiful worship voice, and Yung Titan (Latrell Freeman), a Christian rapper put on a concert one of the nights. We finished it off with fireworks! We were exhausted on Sunday night!