As we write this we can almost guarantee that anyone reading it has a full belly. We have seen posts on Facebook all day of all the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pies, and even pizza that has been prepared and consumed. So now you have someone napping, watching football, doing dishes or maybe even out starting the Christmas shopping!
Last year we were in the states for Thanksgiving doing just that. We even went to Walmart that evening! Here in Haiti it is just another work/school day. We explained to our staff in our weekly meeting on Monday that we will observe this day by not working and spending it with other missionaries in the area. God had other plans but we are thankful.

The Haitian people are not happy at the moment and are expressing that by putting up road blocks that have forced us to stay right in our area. All of our kids on campus (65 of them) have not had school this week because of this. Some of our staff were not able to get to work some of this week as well. When we woke this morning there was a little bit of grumbling about the situation we are in on this American holiday. We were really wanting to spend time with those that speak English. So we have to turn this grumbling into thankfulness.
First, we are so thankful to every single person that reads this. We are thankful to every single person that supports us either in prayer or financially. We are thankful that you have trust in us. We are thankful for the opportunity to equip, encourage and educate along side our Haitian counterparts. We are thankful that we are not lacking for any essential thing we need here. We are so, so thankful for Jesus Christ. For the words He gives us, to assure us that we have so many reasons to be thankful. We are thankful for the work we get to do here. We are thankful that when we wake up grumbling, there is still many many reasons to be thankful! We are thankful for Haitian spaghetti and slaw with avocado for our Thanksgiving meal.

And we are thankful for friends like you; willing to make earhtly sacrifices for the benefit of Gos’s Kingdom. Lynn and I are sorry we will miss your visit over the Christmas Holidays. Travel safe and know you are loved by many !!! Glenn
I’m thankful for your presence there and for the inspiration that you simultaneously provide here. Randall’s partnership in daily devotions means the world to me and we look forward to seeing you in both in July! 🙂