Our Christmas this year is quite a bit different than last year. After hosting an amazing Christmas team at our Hands and Feet Project campus in Haiti, we headed to the states with the team. We are in upstate New York; the sun is no where to be found and it is seriously cold to us.
Our Christmas team in Haiti helped decorate our kid’s ten houses with Christmas lights, garland and ornaments; wrapped a lot of presents, and we mean a lot; had a mini vacation Bible school about Christmas and we had a birthday celebration for Jesus! There was Christmas music playing everywhere as well. We were still having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. We thought when we get home, see snow, the cold associated with winter, go to the mall, hear the music, see the decorations, see the houses with all their lights, etc., etc., that would put us in the “mood”.
It didn’t happen until we went to our home church on Sunday. The carols sung and played by our worship team, the reminders of the real reason for this season, the sermon with that same message, and our church family. It clicked! We are so thankful for our church family, LifeTree Fellowship, our friends and family, financial partners and prayer partners in this mission. We are also so thankful for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope and pray that you take time to reflect on the true reason for Christmas…the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
Merry Christmas my brother!