Campus Life Spring Update

Fun with glasses on the Big House porchAs we approach the end of our 2nd year in Haiti, there are some successes that bring us a great deal of joy.  Our relationships with the kids continue to grow as they see that we’re not packing up our belongings and leaving Haiti.  That’s been a topic of conversation with some of our kids as many of our predecessors left before the 18-month mark.  It’s also exciting to see 12-15 of our  older kids wanting to go with us to church and wanting to also attend church youth group every week.  This is a church that God led us to over a year ago, and we have a great relationship with the pastor, his family, and a growing number of other people from the church.

One thing that we’re very excited about is that our friend, Pastor Salomon, comes to our campus to help with our Wednesday night devotion time. He has a great relationship with many of our kids, and he teaches the older kids each week.  We previously had all the kids together for our time of devotions, but we thought it was better to have the older kids taught separately for more age-appropriate teaching. Older kids on the Big House porchWe have seen a positive impact already, and he’s only been coming a few months. Pastor Salomon is someone who has built relationships with our kids over the last several years through the local summer camp that he runs. Our kids love the camp and look forward to that week away every summer.

Please continue to pray for our kids and for their spiritual development and continued progress on their faith journey. Please also pray for Pastor Salomon, us and our staff as we each help to lead and guide our kids every week.