What are your plans for May? Here are some of ours:
- Lilac Festival at Highland Park
- Rochester Public Market
- Rochester Twilight Criterium bike race
- Animal Adventure Park visit (think giraffes!)
- Dunkin’ Donuts latte
- Coldstone Creamery ice cream
- Wegmans Food Market grocery store
- Panera Bread Company Open House
- Church and small group conversations
- Time with family, friends and our awesome supporters

Yes, that means we’re heading to Rochester in May! And we would love to see and talk with every single one of you who read this! How can we make that happen? We will be in the Rochester area for about 2 weeks beginning May 11. Please let us know when you’re available and would like to get together.
Can you believe we’ve been in Haiti almost 2 years? The time has flown by! Some of our kids continue to ask when we’re leaving, remembering that not many other families stayed this long. We still have no plans to leave, and appreciate each and every one of you for helping us to continue on through your prayers, encouragement and financial support!
If you have any questions for us about our work, kids, staff, living conditions, environment, political climate, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask. We love to hear from you and look forward to answering whatever questions pop in your head.

Save the date! We love seeing so many people at our Panera Bread Company Open House. We’ll be at the Panera in Penfield again on Friday evening, May 17. Watch for more details – it’s an official Panera fundraiser event this time.
We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!
Lilac photo by Marisa DeMeglio from NYC, USA – Flickr, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1386186