Today, June 17, marks our 2 year anniversary of moving to Haiti.
When you think of all that can happen in a two year time period, it boggles the mind. That is how we are feeling at the moment. Really? Two years has gone by? We mean, flown by!

Our Facebook memories for the past several weeks have all been about what we were doing two years ago as we were prepping for this journey. Pictures of our garage sale where we literally sold everything we own except a few totes worth of stuff stored in Randy’s parents house. Our commissioning service at our awesome home church in Rochester, LifeTree Fellowship. All the goodbyes….
It would be so hard to say all of the things we have learned and accomplished in the last two years. Here are just a few of the things we’ve learned or were reminded of over the last 2 years:
- Your body can adjust to extreme heat
- God, for sure, is in control
- Church and community are essential
- We thought parenting two kids was tough! Try close to 70!
Jacmel Kids - Learning a new language is hard work!
- Cultural differences can be challenging
- Driving on roads with few rules is never fun
- Living in the Caribbean doesn’t mean you’ll have a tan!
- There’s always room for improvement
- Trauma affects children and adults in many different ways
- Electricity in 3rd world countries takes a great deal of effort to obtain and maintain
- Man (and woman) can live on rice, beans and fryyyyyyed chicken alone!
- Geckos are cute; tarantulas are not!
- Everything seems to be a work in progress
- Haiti is a beautiful country filled with beautiful people
- Pizzerias may also have really good Italian, Mexican, Chinese foods!
- Nearly everything can be moved on a moto (small motorcycle)
- Interns are invaluable! (apply here)
- Living in a 3rd world country brings being thankful for little things to a whole new level
We are eternally grateful and humbled by our amazing supporters, encouragers and prayer warriors that have surrounded us and haven’t given up on us! We are continually confirmed that this is where God has us for this season of our lives. Today marks the beginning of our 3rd year. We love having visitors. When are you coming to see us? Let us know if you’d like to talk more!