Fall Update

September 1st seems like it was so long ago. That’s when we returned to Haiti. It seems like every time we write an update we’re saying the same thing, but it’s so true. The time just flies by as we continue to work towards keeping things running smoothly, but also implementing changes to further improve how we care for the kids. Here’s a not-so-quick overview to get an idea of what activities we and our team have been up to since early September:
Visitors and Team Activities

- Coworkers and supporters from the States visited and helped move some programs and projects forward
- Our team visited, inventoried and evaluated each of our 11 residential houses on our campus and have been working on updates based on those findings
- Some members of our board of directors visited and completed some projects and implemented some upgrades that were a huge help – we now have 2 more working washers, a basketball net up again, improved network and Wi-Fi, better office computers, another solar light and a working lawnmower!
- Our water filtration system was inspected by some great people from Poured Out – they made recommendations for repairs and improvements
- We are preparing for our Christmas team to come in December to help decorate and get ready for the Christmas season
- We are talking with some people that may join us for full time ministry here in Jacmel
Programs, Projects & People

- Some organizational changes were rolled out for our US and Haitian staff to better position us for the months and years ahead
- Our team assembled and distributed our Christmas Wish List that people responded to in a huge way – the entire list is been purchased and many things have already arrived in Haiti! Thanks to all those who helped!
- We are continuing to evolve our programs to better prepare our kids for life outside of Hands and Feet Project

- The older kids on both campuses attended a virtual Transition Conference to learn more about what it takes to be successful as an adult and what ongoing opportunities there are to learn from mentors
- One of our other campuses has been updated in preparations for a new Aftercare program that HAFP has recently become involved in (more information is in this audio interview)
- It’s that time of year when we need to work on new employment contracts and salaries for the new employment contract year
- Some schools are still finishing up the last school year curriculum and completing final exams while others have already started the next school year
- We are preparing to open a 2nd daycare on our campus and add 3 more staff and 6 more children to that program
Systems and Such
- We are analyzing and modifying our food and supply purchasing systems to make improvements in a variety of ways
- Our business license application book for social services was prepared and submitted
- We are reviewing the various solar power systems on campus to determine next steps to get them all fully operational
- We are analyzing our vehicle status to see how best to move forward to safely and efficiently get all of our kids to / from schools, church and activities
- Our shallow ravine under the swing bridge has filled up with rock, stones, mud and debris, and we constantly analyze what action we need to take to clean it out

a month after arriving
- We are enjoying unusual amounts of power from the local electric company (EDH) while always mentally preparing for it to end
- It’s great that we are enjoying some mostly good health since our return to Haiti – thank you Lord for that!
- We celebrated our 22nd anniversary and almost had our first day off since returning to Haiti
- You can join us in celebrating 11 recent salvations!
- Two of our kids have also started attending baptism classes at our church!
That’s far from a complete list, but you get the idea. There are many moving parts that keep everything here pushing forward. We are thankful for the many helping hands that fill many vital roles.
Have you been following the Hands and Feet Project on Facebook? That page has many pictures and posts about the kids we care for. It also has video interviews with our coworkers that you may enjoy seeing.
We’re missing Fall but are enjoying seeing Fall foliage pictures that some of you are posting and sharing on social media. Keep them coming!
Prayer Requests to Share
- God’s guidance as we continue to speak with possible interns and long-term missionaries
- For the Holy Spirit to work n the lives of the new Christians and for those mature in the faith to come alongside and help them
- Peace in Haiti so that our Christmas team and other visitors to come
- Continued good health for us, our staff, our kids and our community
‘ The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. ‘
Proverbs 4:7