Here we are at Thanksgiving 2020. What a year it’s been for all of us! Covid, travel restrictions, mask requirements, business closings, jobs lost, and election challenges in the United States. Haiti has dealt with huge exchange rate fluctuations followed by substantial price swings for goods and services. Thankfully Covid hasn’t been as big of a factor here in the Caribbean countries. There are many days we’re thankful that we’re in Haiti!
what are you thankful for this year?
In a year of challenges, can you still identify positive things that God has provided for you? A good friend? Extra time with family? Time to clean the house? Extra time to devote to Bible reading and devotions?
I’m currently going through a devotional with some men called, “Thirty Days of Thanks.” It’s been a good way to start the day as I reflect on what I have to be thankful for. (There’s always room for more men to join us as we study the scriptures daily and share something on our hearts if we’d like. Send me a note or reply to this and check I’ll tell you how to join us.)
What are we thankful for this year?
1) Good grades! Soon after we joined Hands and Feet Project in 2017, we started a rewards program for kids that get good grades in school. We are excited to say that we only had a handful of kids who didn’t earn rewards for the last school year! We just celebrated with them last weekend. The rewards were an ice cream sundae for reaching a certain level, and lunch at a restaurant for those who reached a higher level.

2) Good health! Our staff and kids have all stayed fairly healthy throughout the year. We still haven’t had anyone with Covid in our area, and we’re very thankful for that. Also, despite a recent recurrence of nausea, Denise has been doing well getting adjusted to accommodating her diet restrictions in Haiti. We’re thankful for that as well. We’re also thankful that Walmart has a good variety of gluten-free food that we can order and have sent to us!

3) Good kids! Were excited to share that we have some new pastors and teachers working with us and our kids, and they have made a huge impact already. Over the last 5 months, 16 of our kids have made decisions to follow Jesus. We’ve already seen a positive change in behavior. Some of their actions show that they’re listening and thinking about the lessons being taught and what it means.
4) Good friends! We’ve enjoyed getting to know many other missionary families and friends with organizations to help Haitians. Despite many people being out of the country for various reasons (many have left permanently), we’ve made friendships that sustain us and help equip us to continue the work here. Our Thanksgiving dinner here will be at our favorite restaurant, Cyvadier Plage, with 15 other American, Canadian and Haitian friends who live in the area. We have to work to stay connected here, and that’s what we’ll do on Thanksgiving day.

5) Amazing supporters! Denise and I are so thankful for all of you that faithfully encourage us and support us through prayer and financially. We love the work we’re doing and the impact we’re having on the lives of the kids we care for. We are continuing to grow our relationships with the kids and staff, and we are committed to our work to help them all be successful in their lives beyond Hands and Feet Project. Your support is what sustains us and allows us to stay focused on the work, and there’s plenty of it! Thank you all for having faith in us and confidence in the work we’re doing here in Haiti.

There’s an important day coming up next week for many charitable organizations. After Thanksgiving we have Black Friday, Cyber Monday and then Giving Tuesday. Hands and Feet Project has a special fundraiser for Giving Tuesday to help us update our solar power systems here in Jacmel. Here’s the information about the fundraiser for those who would like to participate or share it with others. If you would like to create your own fundraiser for Giving Tuesday, you can do that by following these instructions.
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!