Welcoming Spring

Spring is a time for new life and new growth after surviving the winter season. Every year we see the pictures of snowdrops and crocuses poking through the snow on warm days. We had many of those flowers at our house in upstate New York and looked forward to seeing them mark the beginning of the Spring season every year. This Spring is a new season for us as well.
One of the things we love about Hands and Feet Project is that they are always researching, learning and assessing how the organization is doing things. Then they ask the question, are we doing what is best for the kids, the staff and the country of Haiti. As better ways to do things are found, modifications are made to further improve our methods for caring for orphaned and abandoned children.
Part of a recent assessment will change our jobs some. We are excited about this and look forward to our next steps. Randy and Denise will be serving as Project Managers / Program Coordinators to help get projects completed across multiple campuses. We are still working with the same kids and staff, both in Haiti and the U.S., and we will still be living in Haiti. As other missionary staff have moved to other positions, there’s more need to oversee events, projects, and maintain campus equipment that affect multiple campuses and locations. So the plan is for us to travel more, but still be based in Jacmel.

The thing that is keeping us out of Haiti right now is COVID. Not COVID in Haiti but in the United States. Denise tested positive with COVID in March. She did really well. Her symptoms were considered mild. She did lose her taste and smell, but only for a week or so. She now has a negative test result so we can plan to get back to Haiti and move forward with those new responsibilities! As we’ve been waiting, we’re working on a variety of projects and events, and helping to transition some of our previous responsibilities to other staff. There’s always much work to be done!
Fixer Upper Haiti Edition
For those of you who subscribe to the Hands and Feet Project newsletter and/or follow their Facebook page or Instagram feed, you may have heard about a recent project: Fixer Upper Haiti Edition! Here’s the introduction video from Dana in case you missed it. Hands and Feet Project founders Mark Stuart and Will McGinniss also talked about this fundraiser to update and repair the residential houses for the kids in our care.
Mark and Will are LIVE to talk about HAFP’s Fixer Upper!!
Posted by The Hands & Feet Project on Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Thanks to everyone who helped us meet and exceed the goal!! We’re moving forward with the updates and repairs that are needed to meet our standards of care.
Family News

Due to the delays in getting back to Haiti, we had the privilege to attend the wedding of Randy’s nephew, Jesse McGarvey. We’re so excited to add his wife, Thalia, to the family! The wedding was delayed by a year due to the pandemic, and we were glad to be able to attend it.

One other thing we wanted to share is that Randy’s brother, Ron McGarvey, passed away suddenly on April 26th. This was a devastating loss to the family and to the community. A memorial service is being held on May 8th. Please keep our entire family in your prayers as we process this loss and press on without him.
Randy, praying for you and your family in the passing of your brother Ron. I pray that God will lift you all through this time and give you security and peace.
Neil and Deb Bullock,