When we returned to the States at the end of October, we were hoping and praying that things in Haiti would settle back down so we can return by early December. What does “settle back down” mean? We are awaiting the safe release of 17 American and Canadian hostages that were abducted by a gang in the Port au Prince area in mid-October. Many other issues will be resolved when fuel is available on a regular basis. Gangs are currently controlling and limiting fuel distribution.
The ripple effects of the fuel shortages are widespread. They include but are not limited to: food distribution issues, limited power from the electric company, water purification issues, hospital closures, limited banking hours and cash availability, limited transportation options resulting in difficulty or inability to get to school and work, internet provider failures, limited cellular coverage, and higher prices for nearly everything. Imagine the ongoing ripple effect from those challenges! Ideally, the government and police will gain control of the streets to allow the free flow of fuel and supplies.
We are patiently waiting for positive news about the situation in Haiti. Once things take a turn for the better, we will review the situation with our team and decide on next steps.

The timing for us being in the states has been amazing. We have been in the country to help care for family who needed special attention, and we are thankful to be available for those despite our desire to be in Haiti.
We’ll keep you updated as our plans develop. Thanks for your encouragement and support as we navigate these tough times. Your prayers for peace in Haiti and for guidance for our next steps are appreciated!
Our recent trip out of Haiti was the first time we flew with the ministry called MFI, Missionary Flights International. They are the group we use to send packages from Florida into Haiti. They use DC-9 cargo planes, but they take passengers as well. It was a great experience, and we will certainly use them again. The biggest challenge is that their home base is in Fort Pierce, Florida, and it takes some work to get in and out of that area. The accommodations at the their facility are amazing! We will be looking for ways to use them for future flights in and out of Haiti.