We are so thankful that God continues to lead us and provide for us, for the children we help care for, and for Hands and Feet Project, even when the times are tough! Here’s an update on what’s going on across the country of Haiti as many people here struggle to survive. We continue to share the message of hope in Christ to the kids in our care, our staff, our church and those we encounter in the community. Thank you all for your prayers.
Have You Ever Experienced A Fuel Shortage?
Most of us have either experienced a fuel shortage or have seen vehicles lined up at gas stations for fuel in the midst of a fuel shortage. What sort of impact has a fuel shortage had on you? Has it impacted your driving habits so you don’t go out as often? Have you used the smaller car that’s more fuel efficient rather than the truck or SUV? Have you ever been concerned about a fuel shortage affecting the electricity at your home or work?
Fuel shortages happen frequently in Haiti. The challenge here in Haiti is that the country basically runs on 3 types of fuel: diesel, gasoline and propane. The vast majority of city power is provided via diesel generators. A lack of fuel over a long period of time in Haiti can virtually shut the country down, from communications to businesses and transportation. Reserves are very low, even for the places that plan ahead and ration fuel usage!