Haiti News
Despite ongoing issues in Haiti, we continue to thank God for His provisions for the kids in our care and the staff who keep things moving forward. It is amazing how God brings together partners to help meet needs.
The streets in Haiti are still dealing with gang issues. It seems like every week it gets more and more difficult and dangerous to drive to and from Port au Prince. In some areas around the capital, people are joining together and rising up against the gangs. As you can imagine, confrontations between the gangs and the people have been violent. There is still no news about progress on settling the gang issues and bringing peace to the country. Please continue to pray for revival and peace throughout the country.
Campus Update

We are excited to share that over the Easter weekend, many of the kids in our care spent the weekend with family. The goal for all of the children who have family is to bring them all back together whenever possible. It is a long journey to work through that process, but our Haitian staff have been diligent in working towards that goal. Our belief is that the best place a child can be is with family. Please pray that the children and families can work through these challenges on the road towards potential reunification.
You can always find more details of Hands and Feet Project and campus activities on the Hands and Feet Project web site, Instagram and Facebook pages. Updates on those sites happen very frequently thanks to our dedicated team!
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