Haiti News
Despite ongoing issues in Haiti, we continue to thank God for His provisions for the kids in our care and the staff who keep things moving forward. It is amazing how God brings together partners to help meet needs.
The streets in Haiti are still dealing with gang issues. It seems like every week it gets more and more difficult and dangerous to drive to and from Port au Prince. In some areas around the capital, people are joining together and rising up against the gangs. As you can imagine, confrontations between the gangs and the people have been violent. There is still no news about progress on settling the gang issues and bringing peace to the country. Please continue to pray for revival and peace throughout the country.
Campus Update

We are excited to share that over the Easter weekend, many of the kids in our care spent the weekend with family. The goal for all of the children who have family is to bring them all back together whenever possible. It is a long journey to work through that process, but our Haitian staff have been diligent in working towards that goal. Our belief is that the best place a child can be is with family. Please pray that the children and families can work through these challenges on the road towards potential reunification.
You can always find more details of Hands and Feet Project and campus activities on the Hands and Feet Project web site, Instagram and Facebook pages. Updates on those sites happen very frequently thanks to our dedicated team!
Working from Florida
Working from home is the in thing these days. We know many people who don’t have a dedicated desk in an office building anymore. We’re continuing that trend with our work as well. Working in Florida isn’t quite as picturesque as working in Haiti though! Here’s a picture of my “office” in Haiti, with a beautiful view from my desk overlooking our Jacmel campus.

The office scenery in Florida isn’t too bad either…the mockingbirds, the bluebirds, the sand hill crane families and the dozens of geckos all have their places (mostly) outside the much-desired window office.
Heading to Rochester
We will be in Florida until early May when we head to Maryland and on to Rochester to drive Randy’s parents back to their home in the north. The stop in Maryland will be for the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend where Randy’s brother, Ron McGarvey, will be honored. It’s hard to believe we just passed the 2 year anniversary of his moving on to his heavenly home.
We will be in Rochester for the first couple of weeks in May. We are looking forward to spending time with family and friends while we’re there. Please mark Friday, May 12 on your calendar for an open house at our usual spot, Panera Bread at 2152 Fairport Nine Mile Road, Penfield, NY 14526. We will be there from 5 to 7 PM. You can stop by any time to say hello and catch up. We would enjoy seeing you there!
Rochester Lilac Festival

For those outside the Rochester, New York area, there is a festival in May in Rochester. It’s called the Rochester Lilac Festival, and it takes place while we will be there. It attracts people from around the world every year. Did you know there are more than 500 varieties of lilacs? Highland Park is where the festival takes place, and it has over 1800 lilac bushes! We hope to visit if the weather cooperates.
Thanks for your Faithfulness
Thank you to all of you who partner with us in some way. We appreciate the prayers, financial support and encouragement so many of you provide. We are thankful that Hands and Feet Project is still commited to work in Haiti despite the increasing challenges over the years. Many organizations have pulled out of Haiti and suspended their programs. We are thankful for your faithfulness so we can continue meeting the needs of the children and helping them to become faithful followers of Christ.