Bon Ane tout moun! Happy New Year everyone! How time seems to be flying by. It’s hard to believe we are ushering in 2024 already. It seems like the Y2K preparations were only a few short years ago. Do you remember that? But time marches on. As we look forward to 2024, we pray that you have a blessed and fruitful year. We also pray that our work in Haiti continues to be fruitful as we constantly adapt to changing conditions there, and as we follow God’s leading on how best to reach children and families for Christ.
God consistently provides for us in amazing ways. There are growing challenges of serving in Haiti. There is still the possibility that the United Nations will be coordinating a Kenyan-led multinational force to help with the gang problem. There is no specific plan for that yet. The gangs are continuing to expand their reach in and around the capital of Port au Prince. Despite these challenges, supplies we need to care for children and families continue to be available. Our Haitian staff do an amazing job finding everything that is needed.
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