Bon Ane tout moun! Happy New Year everyone! How time seems to be flying by. It’s hard to believe we are ushering in 2024 already. It seems like the Y2K preparations were only a few short years ago. Do you remember that? But time marches on. As we look forward to 2024, we pray that you have a blessed and fruitful year. We also pray that our work in Haiti continues to be fruitful as we constantly adapt to changing conditions there, and as we follow God’s leading on how best to reach children and families for Christ.
God consistently provides for us in amazing ways. There are growing challenges of serving in Haiti. There is still the possibility that the United Nations will be coordinating a Kenyan-led multinational force to help with the gang problem. There is no specific plan for that yet. The gangs are continuing to expand their reach in and around the capital of Port au Prince. Despite these challenges, supplies we need to care for children and families continue to be available. Our Haitian staff do an amazing job finding everything that is needed.
Jwaye Nwèl | Merry Christmas

The Hands and Feet Project created the Noel Marketplace this year to help fund Christmas for all of our programs in Haiti. It was fully funded and all of the children in our care and families we help support had a great Christmas! Thank you all for your help in making Christmas in Haiti a huge success. Because of your generosity, we were able to purchase all the goats, chickens, food baskets, and more, for the communities we serve in Haiti.
Haitian Team Update

Florida continues to be a good home base for us to work while we’re in the States. Our Haitian team continues to move things along to carry on our mission to build into the kids in our care, and to reach further into the communities around our campuses. However, there are still many families that are struggling to feed and care for their children on their own. Therefore, Hands and Feet Project helps to meet the individual needs of family based on their situation. God continues to guide us towards these families where we can share His love and the message of faith and hope.
We are seeking opportunities for a small team to head into Haiti in the January / February time frame. Please keep us in your prayers for safe travels, good visits with the children and our staff, and for success with various projects people will be working on. This will be the first time I (Randy) will see the new solar power system that was installed a couple of months ago. The new lithium batteries are working well so far!
Sharing on Orphan Sunday
James 1:27: “Pure and undefiled religion is this: to visit orphans and widows in their adversity, and keep oneself from becoming polluted by the world.”
We were given an opportunity to share about the work we do with Hands and Feet Project on Orphan Sunday at a church in Florida. Orphan Sunday is a day where churches unite together to reflect God’s heart for orphaned and vulnerable children. Please pray that the new child sponsors will be blessed for their sacrifice, and that they will follow up with ways they can connect to the children they sponsor. Please also pray that the newly sponsored children are also blessed through this God-ordained connection.

There are opportunities for you to sponsor a child through Hands and Feet Project. Click on this link to see a list of children available to sponsor on our web site. If you feel God drawing you towards sponsoring an orphaned or vulnerable child through Hands and Feet Project, we encourage you to pursue that calling. Let us know if you have any questions about child sponsorships.
Thank you!
Thank you for partnering with us in ministry. As you pray and give in support of our ministry, you are participating in the important work of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the vulnerable children of Haiti.
You may give to the support of the McGarvey family by:
1. Donating online by clicking here and filling out the online form
2. Calling Hands and Feet Project at 877.870.6175
3. Sending a check to:
Hands and Feet Project
P.O. Box 682105
Franklin, TN 37068
(Make checks payable to Hands and Feet Project and write McGarveys on the memo line)
For more information about the work of Hands and Feet Project visit https://handsandfeetproject.org/