Haiti Summer Plans and Haiti Made

Hands and Feet Project 20th Anniversary

Hands and Feet Project (HAFP) is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year! What a impact this organization has made in the Jacmel and Grand Goave communities of Haiti, and beyond. Here’s a short video that talks about the challenges and successes of the organization over the years.

As we look back on our history, it’s hard to believe that we joined HAFP over 7 years ago! We’re excited about continuing to serve the children and families in Haiti as God leads. Thanks to everyone who has participated in the ministry through prayer, financial support, and encouragement over the years. This is a ministry of many hands, and we are thankful for each one who has propped us up and supported the calling God has shared with us.

180 for Haiti

Haiti Made logo

Haiti Made is an initiative started by Hands and Feet Project to provide jobs to Haitians by hand-crafting high quality products that are sold to customers primarily in the United States. Haiti Made has employed many of the children in the Hands and Feet Project programs to provide them with skills and a steady income. Have you seen products available to purchase from Haiti Made or browsed their web site at www.haitimade.com? The quality and creativity are amazing!

A big change was made regarding selling Haiti Made products and the income it provides for the Haiti Made staff. It is called a “180 for Haiti.” Here is a video from Patrick talking about this new approach to selling Haiti Made products that you won’t want to miss:

With these changes, the products are even more affordable and can support the job creation initiative even better. Be sure to check out the products at www.HaitiMade.com! With every Haiti Made purchase, you are helping us create opportunity, possibility, and a better future for Haiti.

Haiti Update

Conditions in Haiti are fairly stable. With the Kenyans in Haiti as part of a United Nations peacekeeping force, there is a sense of anticipation for how they may proceed. Stories have circulated about some gang members spreading out to areas outside Port au Prince, but they still have not affected our campuses in any significant way. We are thankful for God’s continued protection of the children, families and communities where we work.

We are looking for opportunities to get back to Haiti safely, but working remotely is still going very well. Thankfully, our campuses are still well connected to the internet and we communicate with our Haitian leaders on a daily basis. God has provided us with good leaders to help us continue and expand our impact.

We have expanded our impact in the Grand Goave area through additional daycares. One new daycare is fully operational, reaching many more children and families. There is another one that is being prepped for opening soon. Please pray for the successful startup and ongoing operations of all of our daycares. This is a great opportunity for us to build the faith of children and their families. We see and hear examples of this on a regular basis! God is doing great things through these children.

HAFP Leaders Visit Florida

Denise and Randy had the opportunity to attend a church service in the Tampa, Florida area where Will & Andrea McGinniss shared what God is doing in Haiti. They shared some history and also the vision of where the ministry is going. HAFP is still committed to the work in Haiti.

It was great to see Will & Andrea sharing about their love and commitment to Haiti, and to spend some time with them for a few days afterwards. The weather was not cooperative, but we managed to visit a few of our favorite places, and some new places in the area.

One Last Word

Proverbs provides us with a great deal of wisdom that we can apply to our lives if we so choose. It’s important to remember that we are not in charge of things.

Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that, “The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.”