Christmas in Haiti!

In our time here in Haiti we have had many “firsts.” Some of which we would never have dreamed of experiencing.  Well here is another: Christmas in Haiti. It will be a little different than back in the good ole USA.  For starters, the temperature will be be quite a bit hotter than New York. We will also have green all around us instead of white, and our tree will not be a big pine tree.  As a matter of fact it will be made out of wooden pallets, painted green.  Quite creative. Oh, and did I mention we will be with over 70 children?!  Speaking of the kids, we have been getting ready for their Christmas presents probably like all of you! Don’t tell the kids, but this is what they will be getting…each of the houses, 10 in all, will receive gifts for their kids delivered to their front porches in the wee morning hours Christmas Day. Also, we are setting up a library and an activity room with all kinds of games, puzzles, crafts, coloring books, etc.  The doors to these two rooms will have a big bow on them! We have already received two big boxes of books for the library. You can help with this gift as well. Gather a group of your friends, family, community groups, Bible study groups, and any other group you can think of together, and do some collecting of any of these items to add to this gift, especially games, craft items, coloring books and books in French.  If you’d like to do this, please let us know for planning purposes.  Packages can be mailed to us at the following address:

Denise & Randy McGarvey
3170 Airmans Drive #2129 FEET
Ft Pierce, FL 34946

As we think about it, we really don’t know how we will feel through this first Christmas holiday here. We are already seeing pictures of what is going on back home. The leaves changing, posts on media about what is coming up in the arts for Christmas, talk about traditions, etc.  We have done a little research about traditions here in Haiti as well. Christmas Eve is really big.  Church, and then a really big feast called Reveyon, lasting well into the early morning hours.  Lots of traditional foods that we can maybe make part of our new traditions. Another tradition is the making of a Fanal. This is a French word for lantern. These are intricately designed paper boxes that are cut and decorated with tissue paper, lit from the inside and displayed. Maybe we will try to make one?

So, needless to say, yes, it will be different. We thank God for apps like, FaceTime, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.  These will allow us to spend time with our own family on Christmas day as well. We will “open” gifts with the kids through our screens! So,

 Jwaye Nowèl!


If you are interested or know someone who is interested in making a tax deductible year end donation, we would be grateful to be thought of.