What are Village Values?

We call them Village Values.

We have two campuses (Children’s Villages) at The Hands and Feet Project with a total of 110 children, over 100 full and part time Haitian staff, and 8 American missionaries living full time in Haiti.  Every one of us know what the Village Values are and what they mean: Love, Honesty, Responsibility and Obedience. These values are key to what we do here. Every year we celebrate these values, as well as the staff and children who excel in each of them and boy, did we have some fun!

Who would have thought you could rent a bounce house, sno-cone machine and a cotton candy machine in Haiti? Yep! You can!  We spent the day playing, eating and getting wet with water balloons. In the evening we celebrated those staff that exemplified each value. They received a certificate and a huge chocolate bar!  The kids were not left out. They received a certificate and a goody bag with candy and cookies. We then saw performances of dance and music from several of our talented kids as well as a local band.  We then ate some really delicious pizza that they actually delivered from the Jacmel Pizzeria! 50 pizzas! And if that wasn’t enough fun, there were fireworks that would rival those in the USA!  Thanks to all who made this happen.

The children and staff from our campus in Grand Goave slept overnight at our Jacmel campus. A big huge sleepover! On Sunday morning everyone went to a local church. After church we said good-bye to our kids and staff from over the mountain and then collapsed.  It was a huge success. We look forward to this event again next year but not sure how we will top this one.