We are excited to share that we’re heading back to Haiti at the end of the month! In order to see as many people as possible before we leave, we’re having a modified open house for those in the Rochester, New York area. On Friday, August 21, we will be at Panera Bread in Penfield from noon to 3 and 5 to 7:30. We are asking people to reserve a time slot, if possible, so we don’t have a large group there at one time. You can reply to this message, reply to the open house event on Facebook, text us, email us, send a web site comment, send a carrier pigeon, or just come visit us when you have the time available.
Returning to Haiti

Regarding our return to Haiti, the borders to Haiti opened last month, and we found some affordable flights from Rochester. The number of airlines and flights to Haiti have been reduced, so the trip to Haiti now requires an overnight layover, but we worked it out so we are meeting up with other people along the way and fly in together.
We’re looking forward to seeing the kids, staff, and all of our friends in Haiti soon! We’ve been able to accomplish a lot while we’ve been in the States but we know we can be even more effective on site, working side by side with everyone there.
Denise’s health is improving, but still has some nausea. She’s on a new medication that seems to be helping. Her latest doctor has given her the go-ahead to return, but she will continue to monitor her progress.

Before we head back, we’re camping for a few days in the Finger Lakes area of New York State. Denise’s brother and sister-in-law set up their amazing camper for us to use in Sampson State Park. It’s great to get away, get out in nature, and also to visit other relatives in the area. We’re so blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the country.
Please pray for our travel preparations and trip into Haiti. Please also pray that our bags make it there through all 4 legs of the journey! We will take some gluten-free food with us since we don’t expect to find any at our local grocery store. Continued prayers for Denise’s health and for the lives of all our kids and staff in Haiti are appreciated as well.