Modified Open House in Rochester

We are excited to share that we’re heading back to Haiti at the end of the month! In order to see as many people as possible before we leave, we’re having a modified open house for those in the Rochester, New York area. On Friday, August 21, we will be at Panera Bread in Penfield from noon to 3 and 5 to 7:30. We are asking people to reserve a time slot, if possible, so we don’t have a large group there at one time. You can reply to this message, reply to the open house event on Facebook, text us, email us, send a web site comment, send a carrier pigeon, or just come visit us when you have the time available.

Returning to Haiti

Shadows at Sampson State Park in New York
Feeling tall at Sampson State Park

Regarding our return to Haiti, the borders to Haiti opened last month, and we found some affordable flights from Rochester. The number of airlines and flights to Haiti have been reduced, so the trip to Haiti now requires an overnight layover, but we worked it out so we are meeting up with other people along the way and fly in together.

Continue reading “Modified Open House in Rochester”

Thanksgiving 2019 Update

A warm hello and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from the Caribbean! 

We try to take time here and there to remind ourselves of the beauty in Haiti and not to just take it for granted.  As the USA has dealt with some very cold weather already, we are thankful for a little break from the heat and not seeing many temperatures above 90 F.  Thanksgiving FoodIn this season of Thanksgiving, we want to reflect on other things that we’re thankful for….and it starts with the amazing donors, supporters and friends that are all essential to making this journey possible!  Thanks for all your prayers, financial assistance, encouragement, conversations, care packages, and sharing our social media posts.  We can’t do this without you and really appreciate each and every one of you.

We’re thankful for the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner we had with local friends old and new.  It was great to get together and enjoy a turkey dinner with a variety of other foods and people!  There was an amazing spread of dinner and dessert items!  

We’re thankful for power!  As I sit and write, we are enjoying power from the local electric company.  We have endured 14 weeks of ongoing protests about government corruption and the many side effects of money not being spent where it would best help the people and the country. Continue reading “Thanksgiving 2019 Update”

Time Away for Self Care

Down time, time away, vacation, staycation, relaxation…call it what you may, but it’s critical for each of us to stay balanced, effective and to maintain relationships. This is especially important for us as we have very little down time in our day to day lives since we live on campus with our 60 kids!

During our time away this Fall, we’ve already been out to Arizona to see family and friends, and we’re currently in Florida visiting more of Denise’s family. It’s always hard to plan trips to the States because there’s never enough time to see all the people we want to see, and stopping in more than 2 places each trip gets expensive. During our visit to Arizona, we were blessed to be able to visit the Grand Canyon for a few days thanks to some special donations made. What an amazing show of God’s beauty and creativity! The pictures never do it justice. It’s so immense that it’s hard to describe. When we were in Arizona previously, we went as far north as Flagstaff but this was our first time to the Grand Canyon.

Continue reading “Time Away for Self Care”