September 2021 Update

We’re back in Haiti after our visit to the Rochester, New York area. It was great to see so many people at our Panera open house and to be able to meet with many others! The end of a furlough is often bittersweet. There are always people that we aren’t able to see. We would love to stay longer and visit with more people, but we also feel the need to get back to Haiti and continue our work firsthand. And we miss the kids and staff when we’re away!

The return trip to Haiti was certainly challenging. Our first leg out of Rochester was delayed because the incoming plane didn’t have enough fuel to make it all the way, and then it had too much fuel and had to circle Rochester to burn some fuel off! Because of the delays, we missed our connecting flight to Miami where we already had a hotel reserved. Our flight from Miami to Port au Prince, Haiti was early the following morning. Thankfully, a friend did some research and found a Spirit flight to Fort Lauderdale later that evening after the last American Airlines flight had left. It was a long night with little sleep, but we made it! And our luggage somehow made it to Port au Prince with us the next day! Thanks for all your prayers!

We’re jumping into all sorts of projects and event planning as we look forward to the Fall and Winter seasons in Haiti. We also look forward to rekindling and progressing in relationships with our kids and staff. Keep watching our Facebook page for updates on what is going on with us and Hands and Feet Project! We are honored to be continuing our work in Haiti with HAFP. And we’re honored to have so many amazing partners who help make this all possible!

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6 ESV