Summer Overview
It has been another busy summer for all of us at Hands and Feet Project! Here are some of the summer events and activities we’ve been working on. We have hired new Haitian staff, welcomed another missionary to our Jacmel team, celebrated two high school graduations, held many computer classes, made progress towards opening and reopening 4 daycares, and reorganized some things on our Jacmel campus. Looking ahead, we have Vacation Bible School (VBS) in Jacmel this week, VBS in Grand Goave next week, and our Village Values weekend celebration is coming up quickly as well. We’ve been back to Florida for a brief stay, and are now back in Haiti for the rest of the summer.

Our trip to Florida began with both of us getting sick for most of a week. We must have caught some sort of stomach bug just before or during our trip to the States. It made our brief visit to Florida seem even shorter. On top of our full work load of managing daycare activities, overseeing finances, maintaining computer systems, and helping out in many other areas, we both had new staff in Haiti start working while we were in Florida. We spent a lot of time on video calls and chats to keep the training moving forward! On top of that, Denise also lead sessions of the women’s Bible study at our church in Florida.
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