Congratulations to Our First Graduate!

This weekend we had the opportunity to celebrate the first high school graduation from one of our kids within the Hands and Feet Project (HAFP) organization! Congratulations to Marvensky for making it through 13th grade (Filo) and we pray that he will continue with his educational success and fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor!  He is currently looking at universities in Port au Prince where he can continue his education.

Continue reading “Congratulations to Our First Graduate!”

May in Rochester

What are your plans for May? Here are some of ours:

  1. Lilac Festival at Highland Park
  2. Rochester Public Market
  3. Rochester Twilight Criterium bike race
  4. Animal Adventure Park visit (think giraffes!)
  5. Dunkin’ Donuts latte
  6. Coldstone Creamery ice cream
  7. Wegmans Food Market grocery store
  8. Panera Bread Company Open House
  9. Church and small group conversations
  10. Time with family, friends and our awesome supporters
Visiting Rochester, New York Lilac Festival at Highland Park
Continue reading “May in Rochester”

Campus Life Spring Update

Fun with glasses on the Big House porchAs we approach the end of our 2nd year in Haiti, there are some successes that bring us a great deal of joy.  Our relationships with the kids continue to grow as they see that we’re not packing up our belongings and leaving Haiti.  That’s been a topic of conversation with some of our kids as many of our predecessors left before the 18-month mark.  It’s also exciting to see 12-15 of our  older kids wanting to go with us to church and wanting to also attend church youth group Continue reading “Campus Life Spring Update”