Continued Confirmations

Have you ever felt fairly confident in a decision that you’ve made and then continue to get ongoing confirmations that your decision was correct? We received yet another reassuring confirmation about our Haiti move recently.

The decision to sell most of what we have and move to Haiti with Hands and Feet Project (HAFP) was not taken lightly. We’ve prayed about it, talked about it, prayed about it some more, talked to people at HAFP, prayed about it, talked to friends and family, prayed about it, etc. You get the idea. There are many amazing confirmations that we’ve received since committing to the move. We feel strongly and passionately that God has lead us to this decision and that He will provide financial partners to make it work.

We were recently talking with the Executive Director at HAFP, Mark Stuart, and we were talking about our progress finding financial partners and Mark was just encouraging us. The he mentioned that we are an answer to prayer. What? Really? He explained that HAFP had been praying for an older couple without children at home, perhaps with some experience in marriage and family ministry, that would make a long-term commitment to lead the Jacmel campus. They were seeking continuity to build relationships with the Haitian staff and children, and also to come alongside other missionary staff to encourage and support them.

You never know when you’ll be an answer to prayer for someone else.  Sometimes God speaks to us in what seems like a clear, audible voice, but it’s important to be attentive to listen for that still, small voice of God that just might provide you that opportunity.

It’s such a blessing to be an answer to prayer, and you may never know that your actions have met someone’s needs.  In this case, the news was shared with us and it just makes us even more excited to get to work.