Don’t Stop Praying for Haiti!

Have you ever been to a Matthew West concert? We were invited to go to see him several months ago. He puts on a great show and has some great songs. We had the chance to hear one of Matthew’s recent releases live, called “Don’t Stop Praying.” What an amazing song. Here are the lyrics of the chorus:

Don't stop praying
Don't stop calling on Jesus' name
Keep on pounding on heaven's door
Let your knees wear out the floor
Don't stop believing
'Cause mountains move with just a little faith
And your Father's heard every single word you're saying
So, don't stop praying
Continue reading “Don’t Stop Praying for Haiti!”

Spring 2021 McGarvey News Update

Welcoming Spring

snowdrops in the snow

Spring is a time for new life and new growth after surviving the winter season. Every year we see the pictures of snowdrops and crocuses poking through the snow on warm days. We had many of those flowers at our house in upstate New York and looked forward to seeing them mark the beginning of the Spring season every year. This Spring is a new season for us as well.

Continue reading “Spring 2021 McGarvey News Update”

Modified Open House in Rochester

We are excited to share that we’re heading back to Haiti at the end of the month! In order to see as many people as possible before we leave, we’re having a modified open house for those in the Rochester, New York area. On Friday, August 21, we will be at Panera Bread in Penfield from noon to 3 and 5 to 7:30. We are asking people to reserve a time slot, if possible, so we don’t have a large group there at one time. You can reply to this message, reply to the open house event on Facebook, text us, email us, send a web site comment, send a carrier pigeon, or just come visit us when you have the time available.

Returning to Haiti

Shadows at Sampson State Park in New York
Feeling tall at Sampson State Park

Regarding our return to Haiti, the borders to Haiti opened last month, and we found some affordable flights from Rochester. The number of airlines and flights to Haiti have been reduced, so the trip to Haiti now requires an overnight layover, but we worked it out so we are meeting up with other people along the way and fly in together.

Continue reading “Modified Open House in Rochester”

Continued Confirmations

Have you ever felt fairly confident in a decision that you’ve made and then continue to get ongoing confirmations that your decision was correct? We received yet another reassuring confirmation about our Haiti move recently.

The decision to sell most of what we have and move to Haiti with Hands and Feet Project (HAFP) was not taken lightly. We’ve prayed about it, talked about it, prayed about it some more, talked to people at HAFP, Continue reading “Continued Confirmations”