The Countdown Begins…Heading for Haiti

It’s hard to believe a month has passed since our last update. There are so many areas that need our attention before we move.  Do we keep the house?  What should we take with us?  What should we do with everything else?  Do we keep our cars?  What do we do about health insurance?  How much money do we need to live in Haiti?  What other expenses do we need to include in our budget?  How do we share our vision and financial goals with our friends and family?  Those are just a few handfuls of the questions that we are facing.

So what have we accomplished so far?  We’ve submitted our proposed budget, guessing in many areas that perhaps will need adjustments later.  We’ve also decided to sell the house so we don’t have to worry about being long-distance landlords.  We’ve reviewed a draft of our vision and financial goals with friends.  Progress!

The health care question is one that I’ve spent many hours investigating.  It’s potentially one of our largest expenses, even though there are only two of us.  Options include health care exchanges, policies designed for expats and a variety of medical cost-sharing plans.  Each option comes with multiple levels of coverage and deductibles.  Then there’s the question of whether they work overseas.  I’m so thankful that companies I’ve worked for have only presented a few options to choose from!  The options for us are a bit overwhelming.

On top of all we have going on prepping for Haiti, were heading up the local team for the Weekend to Remember marriage getaway on March 3-5!  God is moving in mighty ways to heal and strengthen marriages!  It looks like the event may sell out!

How many things happen if you don’t have SMART goals?  Remember the SMART acronym?  Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Fully Funded Countdown Timer - 121 DaysRelevant and Time-bound.  There’s nothing like a SMART goal to keep you motivated and focused.  Our goal?  Fully funded by June 1, and ready to move by mid-June. Wow, that’s only 121 days away! Time to stop writing a get to work!

Next steps for us are to start meeting with friends and family, and prepping the house. Please let us know if you’d like more information about the work we’ll be doing. We would love to share what God has put on our hearts!  You can reach us via the Contact Us page. And please keep praying for progress!